

This guide runs through how to find and use the eduSEND Add a New Interaction (Welfare Check) feature.


1. First you must login to your MEDI-BOOK account (edu365.org.uk), this account must have Administrator privileges.

2. Firstly, you have the big green rectangle that says “eduSEND SEND and Interaction Management Dashboard” underneath the main taskbar. If you click this, it will take you to the eduSEND dashboard where you can view the latest SEND interactions as well as daily reports.

3. Below this, you have seven main MEDI-BOOK clickable buttons, you will need scroll past these to reach the eduSEND home icons.

4. Next, select the first option Add New Interaction.

5. You will now be presented with the Add New Interaction menu.

6. To start the adding of a new interaction, navigate to the search bar in the top left of the screen and search the name of the person who has been involved in the interaction.

7. Once the user has selected the person, their name will appear in brackets above the search bar to indicate that they have been selected.

8. Underneath the search bar is where the user will have to input the date and time of the interaction for tracking reasons.

9. Again on the left hand side, below the name search and the time and date, is where the user should complete next. This is the interaction type and person type drop down menu area, the interaction type is how you interact whether that be over the phone or by exchanging emails.

10. Moving over to the right hand side of the screen, starting with the Interaction Title. This is what the user is calling the interaction, for example “Self Harm Concern”.

11. Underneath this box is the Person(s) Contacted field, this is where the user needs to input who they have interacted with regarding the issue.

12. Finally the last box to fill in on the form is the Notes box, this where the user puts any relevant notes and information about the interaction, these can be as depth as they please.

13. Once complete, select Save Record on the left hand side of the screen under the drop down menus.

Last Update: April 21, 2021  

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