

This guide runs through how to find and use the eduSEND Interaction Summary.


1. First you must login to your MEDI-BOOK account (edu365.org.uk), this account must have Administrator privileges.

2. Firstly, you have the big green rectangle that says “eduSEND SEND and Interaction Management Dashboard” underneath the main taskbar. If you click this, it will take you to the eduSEND dashboard where you can view the latest SEND interactions as well as daily reports.

3. Below this, you have seven main MEDI-BOOK clickable buttons, you will need scroll past these to reach the eduSEND home icons.

4. Next, select the first option Interaction Summary.

5. You will now be presented with the Interaction Summary menu.

6. To view a pupil’s summary, navigate to the search bar in the top left of the screen and search their name.

Last Update: April 21, 2021  

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