

This guide explains how to change the colour scheme for your MEDI-BOOK admin portal.


1. First you must login to your MEDI-BOOK account (edu365.org.uk), this account must have Administrator privileges.

2. Select System Administration from the bar at the top of the screen.

3. Now select the option that says System.

4. Select Colour Scheme.

5. Within this screen you can change the colour of the main menu bar that runs along the top of the screen to match the colour scheme of your school/nursery, we’ve tried to cover all colour bases as best we could!

6. To adjust the colour of the menu bar, simply choose the same colour on both the left list and the right list followed by selecting SAVE ENTRY.

7. The colour scheme will change on next log in, so log out and back in to see the change.

Also ensure you untick the previous colour on both sides, otherwise it may not change first time if one side is kept as well as selecting a new colour.

Last Update: June 16, 2021  

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