

This guide explains how to print accident reports in MEDI-BOOK.


1. First you must login to your MEDI-BOOK account (edu365.org.uk), this account must have Administrator privileges.

2. Next, from the Home Screen, select Medical Room from the large main clickable buttons at the bottom of the screen.

3. Once in Medical Room, search for the pupil’s name that you want to print the report of, do this in the top left search bar (one word search only i.e first name or surname, not both).

4. After this is done, the pupil’s past accidents will be visible on screen, select the report you want to print using the red view button adjacent to the report details.

5. This will then bring up the full details of the report along with buttons across the bottom.

6. Select the green Print Report button. This will open a new tab with the full accident report ready for you to print.

Last Update: June 9, 2021  

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