

This guide runs through the Permissions Management screen on MEDI-BOOK.


Accessing Permissions Management

1. First you must login to your MEDI-BOOK (edu365.org.uk), this account must have Administrator privileges.

2. Select System Administration from the bar at the top of the screen.

3. Now select the option that says Permissions Management.

4. You will now be faced with the Permissions Management menu.

Allocating Permission Levels

Within each menu option on the left hand side there are components which make up parts of the MEDI-BOOK system, for example being able to log an accident form or issuing medication. Each of these individual components are given a permission level as default this is based off the view that Level 1 is someone that only adds incidents, Level 2 is a Standard user, Level 3 is an admin user and Level 6 is a Super User. Levels 4 and 5 can be adapted by the user by following the guide.

The beauty of MEDI-BOOK means as the user you can allocate your own components different permission levels unique to your organisation, for example logging an accident form could be permission level 1 but adding a new user would be permission level 6 (which is the highest level permission in the system). If a user has permission level 6 they will be able to access every other level of permission whereas a user with level 2 permission access will only be able to access level 2 and level 1 parts of MEDI-BOOK.

In order to change the permission level of individual components follow the below guide:

1. Firstly select the menu from the left hand side where the component you need to change the permission level of is located, e.g. MEDI-BOOK User Interaction.

2. Now the components will appear to the right of the menu you just selected, locate the component you want to change and select Edit.

3. Now the individual component menu will appear on the screen.

4. There are only two parts of this menu you need to edit. Firstly, for Permissions Area, you need to select the same named menu that the component is within, for example if you have clicked Edu365 System Admin as you want to change the permissions for viewing the audit trail, then you must select Edu365 System Admin from the Permissions Area drop down menu.

5. The second part you need to edit is the Permissions Level. From the drop down menu select the permissions level that you have chosen to give to the specific component i.e. Adding an Accident Form Level 1.

6. Once you have edited these two parts, select Update Information to complete the change.

You will need to go through each menu and each component and assign them a different permissions level if you choose to, if not, they will remain as level 1. Once you have completed assigning the permissions levels to each component you now need to assign appropriate permissions levels to each user that has access to MEDI-BOOK, to do this follow the below walkthrough:

Allocating user accounts with their Permission Level

1. Firstly you must navigate to the Manage User Accounts menu.

2. Go to System Administration > Authentication > Manage User Accounts.

3. Now in the Manage User Accounts menu, you can select the user from the left hand side to bring up their details.

4. With their account details now viewable, select Edit Record.

5. Next, select the Permissions Level drop down menu and change the level to one appropriate of the account users position within the organisation and what areas they can access.

6. Select Update User Information once completed to confirm the change.

7. The user will now only be able to access areas relating to their Permission Level.

Last Update: June 16, 2021  

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